What what? Yes, look at the photos… you can a complete 1 side of this beautiful vase as pastel aqua opal and then when you feel more like butterscotch, turn it around! This is totally extraordinary! I’ve never seen one that has both kinds of iridescence. The middle side you can see it blend nicely from butterscotch to pastel.
This is a beauty of a Northwood carnival glass vase! The Daisy & Drape vases are just so cute and collectable!
Love the pattern… the iridescence rivals the best of the best!! So multi color! Also see it everywhere on this exterior… on the flowers, on the beading, on the drapes, in the handle crevices… all the way up and down!
Great opal too! It’s pearly on the tips!
Straight up with a slight flare to the top florals. Unprecedented! Note a tiny fleabite on one of the bottom drapes. Not big enough to qualify as a “chip.” BUY PRETTY GLASS!!
Made in the early 1900s.
Approximate Dimensions
6 3/8 inches tall