This is a DUGAN Inverted Fan & Feather Vaseline Opal Spittoon Whimsey. When this item was made the color was called Canary, the EAPG yellow color. This is often refered to as a Ladies Spittoon. The Opalescence is over 60% of this piece. This sits flat on 4 ball type feet. It has no problems with the feet as many do. It is a hard to find item.
Yes, I know you will see it in many books etc. as Northwood. And, indeed it was originally a Northwood pattern which they used to make Custard Glass items with. Most people forget or do not know that there were 2 Northwood Companies. The 1st which made the IFF items went into the National Glass conglomerate and was bought out of the bankruptcy by Thomas Dugan…DUGAN Glass Company.
I use a small 5 LED UV Flashlight for the Blacklight photo(s).
Circa 1904.
Approximate dimensions:
5 inches high.
3 5/8 inch top diameter.
3 1/2 inch foot spread.