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Antique Millersburg Big Fish Marigold Carnival Glass Square Bowl


  • Color: Marigold
  • Maker: Millersburg
  • Pattern: Big Fish
  • Shape: Diamond/Square

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SKU: s-1288 Categories: ,



Here you go… a SQUARE, yes SQUARE, Big Fish bowl!  These are not easily found as they are a whimsey in this pattern!

It’s a dandy and look at that lovely rainbow array of colors!

I really think the factory worker took his time and chose his colors carefully! The mould strike is great also!

I call this square rather than diamond because flowers grow upward and turning the bowl that way looks square to me.  I don’t typically put items with any damage on here but this piece is rare enough to warrant it…

Note some schmuck put clear nail polish on the rim of the base to make it so someone can’t feel the 3 chips there.  They aren’t huge hunks but chips nevertheless.   The previous owner was quite surprised to see these when I showed them.  I really wish people wouldn’t do this stuff!  I will spare you my “fraudulent-criminal carnival sellers” rant…

If the chips weren’t there, this would be priced much higher as it’s a beauty and honestly, you can put this on your shelf and people will be awe-struck… not say “hey is that damaged?”

Also, one small spot that is rough on rim edge where I think there was a pulled point.

Made in the early 1900s.


Approximate Dimensions

3 1/8 inches tall

6 3/8 inches across

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