RARE in 3N1 and BLUE!
Here is a PHENOMENAL and RARE Millersburg BLUE Peacock & Urn Mystery bowl! Most if not all Millersburg blue is rare but the Peacock & Urn Mystery bowl in a 3N1 edge is very rare! The only reported 3N1 I could find sold for $5,500. Others that were reported in blue were ruffled or round.
The chance to buy this for such a great price and add it to your collection is now! The iridescence is very colorful! Rainbow colors framed by a metallic colored edge. This rare bowl comes from my own personal collection.
As you can tell from the close up and when you zoom in the mould strike is outstanding… the back photo shows you how great and even the rim edge was done.
There is no damage on this bowl but I show a close up of heat lines on the edge. Very shallow, short and from manufacture of course.
Made in the early 1900s.
Approximate Dimensions
8 7/8 inches diameter
2 3/4 inches tall