This is a very nice Art “Etched” Deco Rolled Rim Vase. It is wheel cut not Etched.
This is my understanding..Hocking owns Lancaster and Standard, when one of their plants burned in 1924, the cutting and etching for orders was transfered to this plant. I have read that all the Standard Cuttings have Female names…after Ladies who worked there.
This item is shown in The Encyclopedia of CG and calls this cut “Trudy”. I have a “Trudy” ad (HMW 2) and the cut is the same except it has a Cornflower and not the Hanging Balls. In Zastowney’s, Lancaster Glass, page 89, this cutting is called CASPER (I do not associate to a female name). Thus, it may be a cutting by Lancaster…I no longer know…LOL.
Either way, this is a really nice Late Carnival/Art Deco era type item. In this case, it is a Vase. (I am also putting up a flat plate/compote with the same Wheel Cut).
Photo on Black background is with 2 different types of lighting … lighting makes a difference in how carnival iridescence shows.
Circa 1925+.
Approximate dimensions:
3 5/8 inches high.
7 inches wide.
3 inch base.